Wednesday, 31 March 2010


When designing our digipak we decided we wanted a clean cut cover, much like our video where everything had a fine line drawn between it by the use of black and white and a basic 'band performance' style of video.

With our video and other digipaks available on the market we noticed a correlation. Many bands have music videos with the main band performing and to coincide with this they create digipaks that's main focus is of the band as well. So to James and I this seemed like an obvious way to take our music video and digipak.
Various styles James and I are influenced by begun showing up in discusions me and him had about the design of the digipak. For example the Let it Be front cover for the final Beatles' album is something that is extremely mainstream and from research may be very appealing to our audience, as it offers a clear view of who the band are, the title of the album too, all necessary conventions when creating a product like this. Also the way in which all four members have been put on display in four seperate boxes, in a clear cut way, helps easily display the band and also provides a link between other products linked with this digipak. This, without a doubt, will be a very heavy influence on our final digipak.

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