Friday, 11 December 2009

A Teaser Trailer and an Original Soundtrack

With the information being brought to mine and James' attention that the criteria for what kind of a trailer we're creating has been changed and the soundtrack must be original now instead of being copyrighted material it has made the project easier and harder.
It is no longer a theatrical trailer but a teaser trailer, meaning the length is between 40-60 seconds long, meaning less shots, less dialogue, less locations and reference to the main story line has been lessened so less casting, props etc, the list seems to be endless. However the skill behind making a teaser trailer still exists, when researching different teaser trailers one notices that they're all big budget, usually iconic films two things that we're lacking.
James and I began noting things that all theatrical trailers have and don't have:
  • Minimal reference to the main story line.
  • Little dialogue from the movie itself.
  • Iconography is played upon.
  • Minimal amount of shots.
With the news of us now having to create a teaser trailer and following a new set of guidelines, a lot of ideas have now been put to waste but they can also help the production of our teaser trailer now. The problem of creating an original soundtrack now is probably, at this moment in time, a lot less of a bother than selecting a copyrighted soundtrack, since now we can taylor music that we hear in our heads to suit our trailer rather than trying to find something that might suit our film.

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